Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rosary Church at Tsim Sha Tsui

This Sunday, my friend & family and I decided to visit another English
speaking church so we arrived at Rosary Church on Chatham Road at TST.
Small church, looks ok... When we came into the church... We realized
there are so many Africans in HK!

Thankfully... We did not feel so out of place but there are a lot!
From where I'm standing (we weren't late but on time, and there were
no place to sit), 20% are Africans....!


Anonymous said...

early bird catch the worms... late jor lar u.

meiyi said...

hey.. i have a friend looking for a church in HK nearby TST...
are u still church visiting?
could you enlighten me with suggestions? Maybe if you could email me,