Sunday, September 14, 2008

Apparently, apartments in HK are so freaking small!

Spent the whole of 2nd day searching for apartments in HK. Apparently, they are all so freaking small! Haha! :-p If only I have a VP's package (hahahahaha), I would then be able to afford a much bigger place instead of these 650/695sqft units. So, there I was standing looking a little depressed- just to give you a picture of how small the living room is (I didn't even bother to upload the bedroom/kitchen photos)!


Anonymous said...

Your "cousin" here. Hehe remember? I know what you are going through, me and my fiance were apartment-hunting awhile back but gave up and decided to just stay in Melbourne. I hope you are coping well. Take care and god bless.

Jeff said...

hey "cousin"! of course I remember ;) ... so u and ur fiance were looking for apartments in HK as well? :) ... I'm alright with HK since I've been here a couple of times - always as a tourist but this time feels different! :P u take care too, glod bless ;)